I've finally got red hair!
Not sure if I'm going to like it or not. I haven't gotten any photos yet. I think I'll like it..for a while anyway. I love change, so this is good.
I spent a long time tonight submitting my blog to various sites. I found a wonderful article to help you understand the process, along with a check sheet on Artreprenuer!
Be sure and check it out, really great stuff.
If you want to, I'd love for you to sign up for my feeds on feedburner! Just look to the right over there under my links and click, it will walk you through it.
Lots of work going on,
I had a really interesting phone call today from a group about a possible showing in Philadelphia. We'll see where that leads us!
Well, way to late to be up. So I better turn in for the night.
More tomorrow, when I fell fresh.