Ronda Rousey is now a world-champion cagefighter and she looks extremely sexy. So who cares if she isn't exactly the world's most articulate female public speaker?
Rousey, in addition to those attributes mentioned above, is also not afraid to speak her mind. So it's easy to see why the UFC are sending her out to do their dirty work. After all, what better PR person could a company such as Zuffa ask for?
Sexy Rowdy-Rousey recently went before the The California State Assembly to testify against a new bill which is before the house and seeking to be passed. The proposed bill, which is shown below, on paper at least, seems like a good one.
Additionally, you can be sure that if Dana White and company—who for the most part are no better than any of the other sleaze-ball-fight-promoters we've known throughout history, such as Don King and Bob Arum—are against it, then it's a sure sign to us fans that we should clearly be in favor of it.
Nonetheless, Rousey works for Zuffa/UFC now..and she obviously knows on which side her bread is being buttered.
Stay tuned.
The bill, AB 2100, reads as follows: "This bill would require a promoter to provide specified written and sworn statements regarding his or her financial interests to the commission before the promoter can receive compensation from a boxing or mixed martial arts contest."
"By requiring a statement to be made under penalty of perjury, the bill would expand that crime and would thereby impose a state-mandated local program. The bill would also require the commission to revoke or refuse to renew the license of a mixed martial arts promoter who enters into a coercive contract, as defined, with a mixed martial arts fighter, who has been convicted of a felony or a gross misdemeanor, or who has been subject to specified law enforcement actions, investigations, or allegations."
"This bill would require the commission to establish a professional code of conduct for licensees."
"This bill would also extend the scope of the Boxers’ Pension Plan to include professional mixed martial arts fighters and would rename the fund as the Boxers’ and Mixed Martial Arts Fighters’ Pension Fund. By providing for new moneys to be deposited in a continuously appropriated fund, the bill would make an appropriation."
"The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement."
"This bill would provide that no reimbursement is required by this act for a specified reason."