"These types of steroids are for horses and cows, not for young people and humans!"
If you've never heard the above quote—from Assistant U.S. District Attorney Donna Dobbins, or the steroid-busting story that accompanied it—don't be alarmed, as it was quickly swept under the rug faster than you can say the word 'corruption.'
Shane Bannister Carwin, age 37, from Greeley, Colorado, had burst onto the mixed martial arts scene back in May of 2008. And, like some Brama-Bull that had been let-loose inside an octagon-shaped-china-shop, Carwin—who had virtually zero prior mma experience, quickly destroyed such notables as Christian Wellisch, Neil Wain, Gabriel Gonzaga, and Frank Mir, all within the first-round and all with one-punch destruction.
Suddenly, at UFC 116, on July 3, 2010, Carwin—who looked like the poster boy for PED's—found himself in a title-shot opportunity with former WWE wrestler Brock Lesnar who was champion at the time. And although he was doing well in the match-up and beating Lesnar virtually senseless in the first round, instead of mercilessly stopping the contest, the referee in charge, Josh Rosenthall, let the beating go on.
In the second round however, whether it was due to steroids, or just plain fatigue, Carwin emerged like a rag-doll on roller skates—beaten by his own heavily muscular body, and perhaps also an undisciplined lack of conditioning.
Nonetheless, Lesnar threw Carwin to the mat and sunk in an old time wrestling choke, and it was all over..Carwin tapped. The fight with Lesnar was in July 2010, and in August the scandal happened.
Silence for months...soon followed.
Then, out of nowhere, recently, at UFC 131 on June 11, 2011, a thinner, less muscular Carwin emerged, this time he was seemingly devoid of PED's, and as a result, he was severely beaten by current UFC heavyweight champ, Junior Dos Santos.
Two whole years have passed now since the scandal that never was happened. And, it seems, nowadays, that UFC president Dana White would like us to forget and forgive Carwin for cheating and breaking the rules back in the summer of 2010.
On Thursday July 12th 2012, Dana White announced that Carwin and fellow heavyweight, Roy Nelson will appear as the next Coaches for the 16th season of 'The Ultimate Fighter;' and will then fight each-other at a later date
Unlike other sports—where Athletes are using PED's—combat sports is different in that fighters aren't merely hitting an inanimate object—such as a stitched-up piece of cork and horse-hide—their target is a real one. It's a delicate human skull with a brain inside. Under those terms, someone may be killed very easily.
And what exactly can Carwin offer to young men of "The Ultimate Fighter?"
The proper way to use a syringe perhaps?
Stay tuned.
"Human nature dictates that there will always be cheaters. That's inevitable. Where there's money involved and glory, there are going to be people that cheat, and there will always be ways to cheat. "
-David Millar