Someone once said, in regard to fight sports, that 'the best defense is a good offense.'
In no other sport is that statement more true than when it pertains to boxing.
In the art of controlled pugilism, also known as the sweet-science, there exists a popular brawling style known as 'pressure fighting.'
It's a style and technique that is just as dangerous defensively, as it is thrilling in the offensive mode. This obviously makes it a favorite style among hardcore fight fans.
Perhaps the greatest example of a pressure-fighting-brawler is the legendary former heavyweight champion “Iron” Mike Tyson.
Tyson was trained—by the great Cus D'Amato—to use these 'aforementioned' pressure fighting tactics while simultaneously also employing his now signature 'peek-a-boo' style of defense.
This style, which employs a lot of vertical (up and down) and horizontal (side to side) head movements along with the fighter's gloves being held abnormally high..resembling earmuffs, is highly effective.
Tyson's body would be almost in a crouch-position, shoulders-squared, as he continuously inched forward.
Subsequently, when eventually coming withing striking range, Tyson would then launch his deadly left and right hooks to the opponent's body and head.
'Iron Mike' was only 5-feet 11-inches, and 220-pounds—but when he used his short frame to maximum effect, his tree-trunk-sized legs, which were similar to twin-turbine power-generators, were then able to fuel some of history's most concussive knock-out performances.
Tyson's greatest accomplishment was his annihilation of a terrified ex-champion named Michael Spinks.
Enjoy the Video below.
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* Fav quote: “Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl, two riders were approaching, and the wind began to howl.” —Bob Dylan, All Along The Watchtower.