Saturday, May 27

Boston baby

It has been a busy but good weekend. We went to see Posiedon with some good friends Friday night. It was nerve wracking, but semi ok I guess. I enjoyed the adrenaline rush but it didn't have much plot. This morning my Aunt and Uncle invited the whole family over for brunch. What a spread! She cooked everything from texmex omeletes, to waffles, biscuits, pototoes, bacon sausage... anyway it was great. We always enjoy our time with them.

Then on to a baby shower for a dear friend who just adopted a newborn, then found out within 2 months she was pregnant! So her babies will be 10 months apart. I think that is so cool!. Then on to our 30 somethings group scavenger hunt. I was the reigning queen from last years event, but unfortunately got dethroned. We came in 2nd place this year. I'll have to set my eyes on the gold for next year.. you had better watch out. Yes, you-- you know who you are! Lol.

So today I started checking my stats on my blog. I was amazed to see I am getting tons of hits from the photos of my dogs. So you get to see my big baby, and my boston baby. They love each other. Boudreaux is getting old- all he wants to do is eat and sleep. I must be getting older myself.

Well I've got to do 7 larger abstracts this week so I'll be extremely busy.

Hey-- Taylor won. Yessssss!

Ok,.. more later.
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