Quoting this source:"Brazil possesses the world's highest rates of violent crimes, such as murders and robberies above 25 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants, placing the country in the top 20 countries by intentional homicide rate."
That being said, the first murder of the year in Toritama, Brazil, a town renowned for it's denim clothing manufacturing, came this past Thursday night when 20-year-old Damian John "White" Celestino, was shot dead.
Photos shown below from the scene of the crime, which was close to a dairy, in the neighborhood of Dam, show that Celestino was hit four times in the chest, head, neck and right arm, according to a recent Police Report.
One unidentified large caliber bullet apparently passed straight through the Victim's body and lodged in some nearby wooden scaffolding.
Currently there is no known motive or suspect in this crime.
The graphic video below shows just how bad the violence can get in Toritama.
"O, I die, Horatio;
The potent poison quite o'er-crows my spirit." ~ Shakespeare
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