Imagine this horrifying scenario, if you dare.
A 15-year-old girl is so frightened that she loses control of her bladder while being chased home by two maniacal-hooded-gunmen.
Upon reaching her house she then finds the door locked.
An even worse nightmare then unfolds as her pursuers open-fire—shooting her thrice in the back from behind.
The only thing that could possibly be worse in the situation above then also takes place; as the victim's parents were standing behind that aforementioned locked door and had to open it and then carry their wounded and dying teenage child upstairs to her bedroom where she bled to death.
This cowardly act took place last weekend during Brazil’s Carnival festivities in Itabuna, a city in Bahia, Brazil.
The victim, Barbara Santos Rosa, was standing in front of her house talking with some girlfriends.
Police say there was no-known-motive in the drive-by murder.
"The world has no room for cowards. We must all be
not the less noble because no drum beats before you
when you go out to your daily battlefields, and no
crowds shout your coming when you return from
your daily victory and defeat."
~ Robert Louis Stevenson
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