The date was March 11, 2004, the location, Madrid, Spain. The carnage was unbelievable. Ten bombs exploded on four individual train compartments in the space of only a few short minutes.
As a result, human body parts were strewn for hundreds of yards in every direction.
Police and Public suspicion was that the bombings were politically motivated.
Thought to be in retaliation for Spain's participation in the war against Iraq—Al Qaeda was the obvious culprit.
No solid evidence however, tied any single terrorist group to the deadly bombings.
Meanwhile, friends and relatives of the dead and wounded tried to make some sense of it all—as inside the train station a make-shift morgue was designed.
"From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity."As a result, human body parts were strewn for hundreds of yards in every direction.
Police and Public suspicion was that the bombings were politically motivated.
Thought to be in retaliation for Spain's participation in the war against Iraq—Al Qaeda was the obvious culprit.
No solid evidence however, tied any single terrorist group to the deadly bombings.
Meanwhile, friends and relatives of the dead and wounded tried to make some sense of it all—as inside the train station a make-shift morgue was designed.
~Edvard Munch
Written by@cagestokerblog on Twitter.