"Speed kills."
How quickly do we forget that fact?
Answer: Too damn quickly.
Fifty thousand years ago we humans, like all other living mammals, were built by nature with a specific set of instructions. By nature's design, we were built to only travel as far and as fast as our two muscular legs could carry us...nothing more.
Nowadays however, even though our once-prehistoric body is still equipped, for all intents and purposes, the exact same as it always was, walking and running, yet our. The Amygdala primitive brain is still equipped with the exact same prehistoric software it always had—we foolhardily insist in engaging in activities that we were never designed for; such as flying through the air in planes and traveling over land at break-neck speeds in cars and on motorcycles.
Of course, similar to an illegal-narcotic, our brains adrenaline-receptors are stimulated by all of this dangerous activity. Yes, speed indeed kills. But the fact that we could die horrifically at any split-second only frightens us a little bit at first, and then—due to the exhilarating 'rush' that our body feels—that same adrenaline that frightens us, then quickly becomes our drug of choice.
For example, let's take the motorcyclist in the photos.
Adercio Francisco de Araujo, age 36, was a skilled motorcycle rider and thrill-seeker from Rio Grande do Piauí, a town and municipality in the state of Piauí in the Northeast region of Brazil.
For Adercio, riding on the back of a powerful beast was perhaps the greatest thrill of all.
Completely drugged by his own adrenaline, and with a slow moving truck in front of him robbing him of this drug, the motorbike's powerful engine roared it's lunatic suggestions into his awaiting ears.
Adercio then made the foolhardy decision that cost him his life. He twisted the throttle grip in his right hand swung the fragile bike frame out into the passing-lane and into oncoming traffic where he collided head-on with a Fiat Uno.
We humans seem to forget that we can quickly become road-kill ourselves—the same as any other living thing. And as the photos graphically prove, human body parts and remains were strewn across the steaming asphalt.
The driver of the car, Genisio Pinheiro da Silva, only suffered minor abrasions and was helped to the hospital.
The slow moving truck fled the scene and continued on it's way.
*Creative Non-Fiction Written by @cagestokerblog
** Source: link is Here.
"Im gonna hit the highway like a battering ram
On a silver black phantom bike
When the metal is hot and the engine is hungry
And were all about to see the light
Nothing ever grows in this rotten old hole
And everything is stunted and lost
And nothing really rocks
And nothing really rolls
And nothings ever worth the cost." ~ Meatloaf